What is Reality
This is a really important question, it’s a really strange one as well. To help answer this, let me ask you to think of a co worker, or an acquaintance; someone that maybe you know but don’t know in a personal way. What do you think of that person, who is this person? Now think about when this individual goes home and think about how others in that person’ s life might think about him or her. Is the way that those people perceive them is that the reality of that person. Finally, think about that person looking in the mirror. What does that person see, who is that person. My point is that all three of these cases have a different reality it’s the same physical person, but that person is perceived in three different ways.
Now I know some of you are thinking it’s the combined perception of those 3 types that is reality or maybe it’s the Actual reality. Ok, what is actual reality. Let me ask you this. Let’s make an example of 2 people one that believes in god. One that does not (I am making this as an example not to group you or me in one of those groups) now let me ask you this; Does god exists? Now let’s say for the first person lets call him John john believes in god so for him god does exists; but the second person lets call him Paul he does not believe in god so for him god does not exist. Now let’s say Paul dies, does he ever find out, well if god exists then yes he does and if he does not , then he does not; his reality ends his existents ends. How about John, if god exists he is right if he is wrong … he is right. Because the last thought that goes though his head is “God I am coming” or something like that. So when his existents ends, it reality ends he is on the way to god; At least in his mind. And if his last thought is this he might never get to god but god does exist for him. In his reality
My point is not to get everyone to go over to that side because it’s a safe bet My point is to show you, and well show me that really what we believe is our reality what we see what we hear, what we feel and what we let society tells us defines us, its are makeup its what we are made of from a thought point of view. It’s our reality and in reality, it is the only reality that matters
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